Showing posts with label reconciliation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reconciliation. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Make someone think about you or contact you

*Namepaper with name written 3 times
*Personal concern, hair/nail clippings/clothes/picture/handwriting
*3 Paradise seeds
*Stopper to block a hole in coconut

Drill a hole into the coconut and drain out the milk, I allow the coconut to dry for several days following this before I start on the rest of the spell.

What you then do is take the namepaper you have prepared and stuff this into the coconut hole.

Then you add the personal concerns named above, you only need to use 1 but the more the merrier.

Then add Honey into the hole until its half full, I use a funnel for this because spills make the coconut very sticky to hold.

Add the sugar into the hole and take the 3 Paradise seeds and add then into the hole, then plug the hole up using the stopper, make sure its a tight fit.

Then what you do is shake the coconut 3 times per day, do that for 9 days and its said it don't matter where they are the person will contact you.

Egg spell to have a lover return

*Hen egg

Write the targets name onto the Hens egg and bury that in your back yard, and in 9 days they should return home if they had left you.

To bring back a lover

*White bottle
*White Handkerchief
*Left over water from washing your face

Wash your face with only clear water, put that water into the white bottle and carry that to a crossroads between 6am - 9am.

Wet the handkerchief with the used face wash water in the bottle, while bathing your face call the person by their forename 9 times.

Once your day walk away knowing your loved one will return to you.